Readers Rota Group
Richard Scotson.
The Reading Rota group is responsible for providing readers for all the main masses throughout the year, including the 5 PM, 9 AM, and 11 AM Sunday masses, as well as masses during Advent, Christmas and Holy Week. We aim to have each person read once every four or five weeks and, whenever possible, have two readers per mass (this isn’t always achieved and the Saturday 5pm mass especially needs more help if this is a mass you attend!)
The first reader will split the reading with the Psalm, followed by the second reading with the Bidding Prayers. This means that we require a lot of readers, so we are always delighted to welcome new readers to our group. We are fortunate that the camaraderie across the group always sees us manage the volume of masses across the festivals.
If you are interested in joining the group or would like more information, feel free to contact me or Fr. Darline.