APF and Mill Hill Missionaries
Kevan Randall.
Our Parish have been supporters of this important and valued organisation for many years. It is a very important part of the Catholic Church in its mission to spread the good news of the Gospel. Missionary work is not only about spreading the word of God, but they also give much needed help and support to those in Third World Poverty. From time to time, you will see information on the work they do in booklets that you will find in the Church, please do feel free to take one. A group of our parishioners support this cause thorough the “Red Boxes”, these are available for you to put in your home to collect any loose change that you may have and are collected twice a year. As we move slowly towards a cash less society, others choose to make online donations or regular direct debit \ standing order payments. If you would like to know more about how you can support this Missionary work, please do contact me.
Mobile: 07738 824583