Heather Stone
A sacristan is an officer charged with care of the sacristy, the church, and their contents i.e. the Hosts, the Wine, the appropriate Alter linens and the key in the tabernacle. Â Other duties include lighting the candles and ensuring that the Missal on the Lectern is open for the reading of the day. The Alter linen, in particular the Purifiers (fresh ones are required for each Mass) have to be laundered with all the other linens. Candles and their candlesticks need to be checked to be in good order and replaced when necessary. The tray containing the votive candles needs to be kept supplied.Â
There is a small team who share the responsibilities for the weekday and weekend masses and cover for holidays and sickness. If you are interested in becoming a Sacristan, please contact me or Fr Darline.
Being part of preparing for Holy Mass is a special and lovely privilege
07826 152577