Refreshments after Mass
Christine Sexton
Refreshments are available after 9.00 am and 11.00 am Masses on Sundays, and 10.00 am Mass on
Wednesdays. You are usually only 'on duty' once in every 4 or 5 weeks. Once the rota has
been organised it tends to run itself in that, if someone is not able to do their turn, they swap with someone else on the list.
The Church's tea and coffee are used, but the biscuits and milk are provided by the person whose turn it is. If needed, reimbursement can be taken from the donations received from the parishioners. This is a very easy duty and there are always people around who will help with the clearing up. The 9.00 am Sunday Tea/Coffee session is curtailed by the need to vacate the hall before the 11.00 o’clockers arrive, but Wednesdays are very popular as there is more time to sit and chat.
Please feel free to pop in and join us — you will be made very welcome. And, should anyone be
willing to add their names to the rota, they would be equally welcome.
Home: 01202 885402